Invisalign® in Houston, TX

Invisalign® in Houston, TX

Thousands of teens and young adults go to the dentist every year and learn that they have alignment problems that require correction. For many of those people, it means dealing with the struggle of traditional braces. Most patients would rather avoid traditional braces because of all the wires and metal brackets and the pain and discomfort from wearing them 24 hours a day. This makes some patients not even want to correct their smile. But what if you found out there was a better option you could get from some local dentists near you?

Thanks to Invisalign® in Houston, TX, you now have another option to straighten your or your loved one’s teeth, and there are many benefits that make it a great choice for those who don’t want to deal with traditional dentures. The first thing to do is visit your local Quest Dentistry in Houston, TX and find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign.

From there, one of our talented dentists at Quest Dentistry will be able to set you up with a personalized Invisalign plan that gets you started with your first initial trays. You’ll notice many of the wonderful benefits of Invisalign the minute you put your first tray in your mouth; they only get better from there.

Benefits of Invisalign

Here is just a brief rundown of the benefits of Invisalign.

First, the trays are clear, meaning they are nearly completely invisible, and people won’t even know you’re wearing them. This can save you from some of the social anxiety and embarrassment.

Second, though they still have to be 22 hours a day, this gives a 2-hour window so that the trays can be removed for eating, brushing, flossing, and rinsing. They are also much easier to remove than traditional braces.

Third, patients generally won’t have to wear Invisalign for nearly as long as traditional braces. In most cases, Invisalign can be worn for roughly half the time of traditional braces, around one year, to see the same alignment results.

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