Inlays & Onlays in Houston, TX

Inlays & Onlays in Houston, TX

At Quest Dentistry, we have a variety of incredible services available to meet all of our patient’s needs. If you’ve been looking for dental reconstruction near you, our dental team would love to help.

One of the most common treatments we offer is inlays and onlays. While these two things are similar, they do have their differences. Both inlays and onlays are made up of either gold, porcelain, or composite resin.

What Are Inlays & Onlays?

Inlays and onlays are small pieces that our dentist will bond to the damaged area of the affected tooth. Many dental professionals compare inlays to a filling. This is because it’s used inside the cusp tips within your tooth. An onlay does the same but also extends over the cusps of a tooth.

In recent years, patients have been choosing porcelain as the material for their inlays and onlays. Gold used to be the most common, but with porcelain’s durability and natural color, it’s taking the lead.

Inlay & Onlay Application Process

At Quest Dentistry, we believe it’s critical for our patients to understand a procedure before moving forward with it. Our dentists require two appointments to fully complete inlays and onlays.

On the first visit, in preparation for the inlay or onlay, we remove any decay, damage, or filling on the affected tooth. Our skilled professionals will get an impression of your tooth to ensure the inlay or onlay fits properly. The impression is sent off to a lab, and in the meantime, we’ll apply a temporary sealant.

When you come back for the second appointment, we’ll clean the area and ensure that the inlay or onlay fits comfortably and naturally. If there are no adjustments needed, we’ll apply them to your tooth!

If treated by a proper oral hygiene routine, inlays and onlays can last up to 30 years before needing touch-ups or replacements. If you’re interested in learning more or would like a consultation for yourself, book an appointment with our friendly team today! Quest Dentistry is accepting new and existing patients for this treatment.

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