How to Care For Night Guard

A night guard can protect teeth from damage caused by grinding or clenching during sleep, a condition known as bruxism. The condition can cause dental problems, including worn or chipped teeth, jaw pain, headaches, and other issues.

Night guards can be made of different materials, including hard acrylic, soft materials, or a combination. They are typically custom-made by our dentist at Quest Dentistry to fit your teeth and bite pattern. You should know how to take care of your night guard to get the most benefit from using it.

How To Care For A Night Mouth Guard

Knowing how to care for a night guard is essential to ensure that it lasts as long as possible and stays in good condition. Here are some actionable general tips for managing a night mouthguard:

  • Clean your mouthguard after every use with cold water and mild soap. Avoid hot water, which can warp the mouthguard plastic and ruin the fitting.
  • Do not use abrasive cleaners, bleach, or alcohol-based solutions on guard, as these can damage the material.
  • Avoid chewing on the mouthguard, which can cause damage and reduce effectiveness.
  • Regularly inspect the guard for wear and tear, such as cracks, tears, or an ill fit. Contact our dentist about getting a replacement guard if you notice any issues.
  • Bring the guard to your regular dental check-ups, so our dentist can evaluate its condition and make the required adjustments.

Please visit Quest Dentistry to learn more about how to clean your mouthguard.

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